Nearly Dry Adventuring along Leith's Waterfront
Over the weekend, Lucas and I went on a quest for Tiso's, the local outfitter. Judging by the descriptions from the EKC crew, I was expecting a European version of REI -- plenty of clothing, perhaps some camping, hiking and climbing gear, er I mean kit, and maybe a few token pieces of boating gear. Mostly, we went as an excuse to hang out by the water (it's on Commercial Street, not quite spitting distance from the Firth of Forth) and enjoy some time surrounded by gear. Tiso's was easy to find -- the pile of boats out front gave them away. We were pleasantly surprised when we found both of the SCA books we wanted. We spent maybe an hour wandering the shop. The paddling selection aside from the basic kit was lacking, but it wasn't of much consequence. After we tired of Tiso's, we walked west along Commercial Street, and whatever street it becomes, until we found the water. Then we stumbled in through the wrong door of a restaurant that made me think we were in the Scottish version of Chuck E. Cheese's. We almost were. There was a section isolated from the ball pits and child vomit that we could hear each other speak, and the food looked entertaining even if it wasn't good, so we decided to have lunch there. Lunch turned out to be pretty good, and of course, the desserts were excellent. After lunch, we walked more, hoping to work off at least part of our lunch, enjoying a nice windy day along the waterfront near Leith. In the absence of a real camera, I had some fun with the camera phone.
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